Back for another two week training exercise in Germany. As usual the exercise consisted of classroom learning followed by practical application and of course, a fun filled middle section though some evenings we were able to go to the local town and enjoy the fine German beverages. The highlight of the two weeks? Bivying in marshy land. There were a fair few insect bites that night and the following day a number of us found ticks on us. Grim. Especially when they swell to the size of a pea, engorged on your blood. I found a tick with its head embedded in me and a visit to the medic resolved that issue.
I was in Germany on a two week military reservist training exercises but as always, part of the two weeks includes fun and the chance to partake in some adventurous activities. The evenings are an opportunity to put some money behind the local bars.
The first week of this camp consisted of signals training for the majority of people - learning how to use the Army's communication system and codes to ensure safe and secure communications in the field.
The course was intense as most reservist courses are compressed versions of the Regular course. However, the evening was still free for us to experience the German summer. The middle weekend was spent on social activities where the unit stayed at the Moehne Dam reservoir and participated in sailing, wind surfing, canoeing and cycling as well as a night out in nearby Soest. This was a heavy drinking session and after returning I retired to bed hoping for a good sleep. This bit has a good story attached to it.
At some point in the early morning I got up to go to relieve myself in the ablutions while still half asleep - not a bad effort in itself. I returned though to what I thought was my dorm, stripped naked (I don't know why) and then tried to get into my sleeping bag. Something was wrong and I couldn't get in. I tried putting a leg in and being unable to understand why I couldn't fit in. Then something stirred and someone who was shocked awake said something. Then I 'woke' up properly. I didn't know where I was and didn't even know how to find my way out of the room - mass confusion! I wandered the room looking for the way out then eventually found it. I walked out into the open then back into the room a number of times trying to make sense of where I was. Then I walked back outside again and this time one of the locals was walking by. No big deal but I was naked remember. This didn't seem to bother or register with me though. I stood there starkers facing him and said good morning to him as if there was nothing unusual about this. Sense began to return and at this point I managed to find my dorm. It was next door! What confusion! Interestingly, the room that I went back to was a totally different shape to my room so how did I work out that the bed I tried to get into corresponded to my bed? All very bizarre.
The Mohne Dam was crossed the next day as the day was split between water sports and cycling. Humming the tune of the movie "The Dambusters" as passed the Germans probably wasn't the best thing to do in keeping up international relations.
The second week was spent on a demanding and sleep deprived, but rewarding exercise. On these exercises the unit deploys in detachments practising its air defence role. At the end of the exercise we had another spell of rest and recuperation which saw most of its members embarrass themselves at karaoke.
After you've experienced my delights or horrors of Germany, see what the destinations below may have in store for you.
Belgium | Bulgaria | Czech Republic | Denmark | France | Germany | Greece | Holy See | Iceland | Italy | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | San Marino | Serbia | Spain | Sweden | United Kingdom |