Hikes - Hong Kong Trail

Hikes - Hong Kong Trail

Posted: Sep 16, 2021 | Updated: Apr 14, 2024

vestibulum eget sollicitudin sed, tempus quis erat. Praesent venenatis id dui quis euismod. Donec placerat metus id cursus placerat. Nam quis ligula rhoncus, interdum augue in, porta nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc arcu lacus, cursus ac blandit vitae, imperdiet et mauris. Cras bibendum lorem tellus, malesuada auctor leo rutrum vel. Vestibulum dignissim metus libero, non lobortis diam ultricies nec. Nullam accumsan orci id lacus tincidunt gravida.


Donec vestibulum augue neque, quis pellentesque enim bibendum porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius velit eget eros faucibus tempus. Sed eleifend pellentesque tempor. Etiam rhoncus dui ligula.

Pellentesque posuere eu lacus nec facilisis. Fusce at dapibus justo. Integer ut libero non massa mattis condimentum eu non massa. Morbi sollicitudin condimentum leo ut pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras fringilla, orci ut eleifend consequat, lacus felis efficitur quam, consectetur congue dui quam id nibh. Nullam feugiat sapien nec tincidunt iaculis. Sed venenatis maximus lacus sit amet venenatis. Praesent in finibus nisl. Donec et massa pellentesque, bibendum velit vitae, commodo nibh.

The Highlights

  1. Xxxxx Xxxxx dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in, dapibus id risus.
  2. Xxxxx Xxxxxquam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo efficitur at. Suspendisse quis iaculis libero.
  3. Xxxxx Xxxxxdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in.
  4. Xxxxx Xxxxxrhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est.
  5. Xxxxx Xxxxx honcus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo efficitur at.
  6. Scams and Annoyances rhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est.

Posted: Sep 30, 2023 | Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Hong Kong Trail Revisited

Stage 6 to Stage 7


1) HK Trail 6 - Stage 6 Options
2) HK Trail 6 - Back to 'San' Gap
3) HK Trail 6 - Tai Tam Reservoir and Mound.jpg
4) HK Trail 6 - Across the Tai Tam Reservoir Dam
5) HK Trail 6 - Gauge Basin Battery, Tai Tam
6) HK Trail 6 - Entrance to Gauge Basin Battery, Tai Tam
7) HK Trail 6 - Hong Kong Trail at Marker H64
8) HK Trail 6 - Tai Tam Reservoir By-Wash
9) HK Trail 6 - Tai Tam Reservoir By-Wash Valve House
10) HK Trail 6 - Unknown Military Structure
11) HK Trail 6 - Red Brick Building and Workers Quarters
12) HK Trail 6 - Red Brick Building and Workers Quarters
13) Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail - Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir Dam
14) Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail - Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Masonry Bridge
15) Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail - Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Masonry Bridge
16) Military Shelters at Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir
17) Military Shelters at Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir
18) Tai Tam Cross-Roads
19) HK Trail 7 - Looking Back to The Quick Dash
20) HK Trail 7 - Following the Water Catchments
21) HK Trail 7 - Lin Hook Sin Koon Temple and Pillbox 33
22) HK Trail 7 - End of Stage 7
23) HK Trail Rewards

Posted: Sep 23, 2023 | Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Hong Kong Trail Revisited

Stage 4 to Stage 5


1) HK Trail 4 - Lady Clementi's Ride
2) HK Trail 4 - Lady Clementi's Ride
3) HK Trail 4 - (LPB 12) Pill Box on Lady Clementi's Ride
4) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Machine Gun Position
5) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Machine Gun Position
6) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Pillbox Viewing Portal
7) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Pillbox Corroded Metal Shutter
8) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Pillbox View to Exit
9) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Top of the Pillbox
10) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Machine Gun Embrasures
11) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Machine Gun Embrasure
12) HK Trail 4 - (LBP 12) Pillbox Approach
13) HK Trail 4 - Bridge Just before H39
14) HK Trail 4 - Looking Back From Near H40
15) HK Trail 4 - Aberdeen Reservoir Pillbox
16) HK Trail 4 - Aberdeen Reservoir Pillbox
17) HK Trail 4 - Aberdeen Reservoir Pillbox
18) HK Trail 4 - Aberdeen Reservoir Pillbox
19) HK Trail 4 - PB Vintage Photo
20) HK Trail 4 - Inside Aberdeen Reservoir Pillbox
21) HK Trail 4 - Inside Aberdeen Reservoir Pillbox
22) HK Trail 4 - Middle Gap Road
23) HK Trail 4 - Middle Gap Road
24) HK Trail 4 - Middle Gap Viewing Point
25) HK Trail 4 - Blacks Link H49
26) HK Trail 4 - Past H50 Blacks Link
27) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LPB 11) Wong Nei Chung Gap
28) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LPB 11) Wong Nei Chung Gap
29) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LPB 11) Wong Nei Chung Gap
30) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LPB 11) Wong Nei Chung Gap
31) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LPB 11) Wong Nei Chung Gap
32) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LPB 11) Wong Nei Chung Gap Arcs
33) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LBP 11) (inside) Wong Nei Chung Gap
34) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LBP 11) (inside) Wong Nei Chung Gap
35) HK Trail 4 - Pillbox 3 (LBP 11) (inside) Wong Nei Chung Gap
36) HK Trail 4 - No. 1 Repulse Bay Road
37) HK Trail 5 - Start of Section 5
38) HK Trail 5 - Start of the Long Climb
39) HK Trail 5 - View of Tai Tam Reservoirs
40) HK Trail 5 - Lei Yue Mun channel
41) HK Trail 5 - Descent to the Tai Tam Basin
42) HK Trail 5 - South West From Mount Butler Peak
43) HK Trail 5 - Quarry Pass 'San' Gap
44) HK Trail 5 - Finding the Sanatorium
45) HK Trail 5 - Woodside Biodiversity Centre

Posted: Sep 3, 2023 | Updated: Sep 28, 2023

Hong Kong Trail Revisited

Stage 1 to Stage 3


1) HK Trail 1 - Lugard Road Start
2) HK Trail 1 - Lugard Road
3) HK Trail 1 - Victoria Harbour
4) HK Trail 1 - Lugard Road
5) HK Trail 1 - Lugard Road Indian Rubber Tree
6) HK Trail 1 - Luggard Road H004
7) HK Trail 1 - High West
8) HK Trail 1 - Stream Crossing
9) HK Trail 2 - Carry on to Peel Rise
10) HK Trail 2 - Between H21 and H22 to Aberdeen
11) HK Trail 2 - Overlooking Aberdeen
12) HK Trail 3 - Start to Wanchai Gap
13) HK Trail 3 - After H26 to Wanchai Gap
14) HK Trail 3 - End of Stage 3
15) HK Trail 3 - Aberdeen and Wong Chuk Hang

Posted: Jan 26, 2013 | Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 8

Stage 8: To Tei Wan to Tai Long Wan (8.5km)

Distance Posts: H84 - H100


1) Hong Kong Trail 8 - Marker 86 Shek O Beach
2) Hong Kong Trail 8 - On the Dragons Back after H86
3) Hong Kong Trail 8 - Dragon's Back Viewing Point
4) Hong Kong Trail 8 - Dragons Back

Posted: Jan 13, 2013 | Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 7

Stage 7: Tai Tam Road to To Tei Wan (7.5km)

Distance Posts: H68 - H84


1) Hong Kong Trail 7 - Around H76
2) Hong Kong Trail 7 - Lin Hook Sin Koon temple at Lan Nai Wan Tsuen
3) Hong Kong Trail 7 - Red Hill and Stanley from around H83

Posted: Nov 17, 2012 | Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 6

Stage 6: Mount Parker Road to Tai Tam Road (4.5km)

Distance Posts: H60 - H68


1) Hong Kong Trail 6 - Quarry Pass Pavilion
2) Hong Kong Trail 6 - Tai Tam Reservoir Dam
3) Hong Kong Trail 6 - Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir Main Dam

Posted: Nov 17, 2012 | Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 5

Stage 5: Wong Nai Chung Gap Road to Mount Parker Road (4km)

Distance Posts: H51 - H59

This point on Mount Butler has marks the highpoint of of stage 5. Up here are commanding views of all around Hong Kong island although the next peak, Mount Parker is even higher again. It's no surprise why Canadian and Japanese forces fought over this mountain.

Although the trail Hong Kong Trail stage 5 ends at marker H59, there's an additional 3.5 km to go in order to walk into the city and nearest MTR, Quarry Bay. The Mount Parker Road is an easy downhill walk but considering that stage 6 is a 4.5 km downhill walk then maybe this would have been the better option. The problem is that there are no egg tart shops at the end of stage 6.

1) Hong Kong Trail 5 - H52.5 Winnipeg Grenadiers
2) Hong Kong Trail 5 - Jardine's Lookout
3) Hong Kong Trail 5 - Victoria Harbour
4) Hong Kong Trail 5 - Before H57

Posted: Nov 10, 2012 | Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 4

Stage 4: Wan Chai Gap to Wong Nai Chung Gap Road (7.5km)

Distance Posts: H38 - H50


Black's Link - the clue is in the name

The final roughly 5 distance posts encompass Black's Link, a narrow road is much bereft of buildings. It was built to improve lines of communication across the middle of Hong Kong against attack from an enemy landing on the south of Hong Kong island.

The plan was to make use of the ridge of hills to form a defensive line to repel an attack and to cover the gaps that allow easy passage between the north and south of the island. However this plan was missing the east-west road to enable this concept of operations. From the book 'Eastern Fortress, A Military History of Hong Kong, 1840-1970':

When the General Officer Commanding Hong Kong, Major General Wilsone Black, revised the [Defence Scheme of 1897], he noted that a member of the Local Committee had raised much concern about the defence of the south shore, and that the committee had also noted the absence of lateral roads between Victoria Gap, Wanchai Gap, and Wong Nai Chung Gap.

Black proposed a road connecting Wanchai Gap, Middle Gap, and Wong Nai Chung Gap as part of the solution. By the time he left Hong Kong in 1898, the work to build the road had been approved. He described it in his farewell speech to Legco as Acting Governor, Nov. 22, 1898:

Health and pleasure and the wheels of progress, and I may add of bicycles, move on roads, and in my belief a great strengthening of the defence of this Island will take place when the tracing across the pathless barrier of Mount Cameron and Mount Nicholson is broadened into a road. Shortly after arriving in this colony I urged the Government to take this in hand on public grounds, and it is with great pleasure that by an agreement effected on my representation this boon to the pleasure of the colony and to its defence may be expected shortly to begin. The Executive Council has directed that this road be called "General Black's Link." I feel and value the compliment and only ask that the name may be shortened to "The Black Link."

This is why it is called "Black's Link".

1) Hong Kong Trail 4 - Cooling Stream Before H40
2) Hong Kong Trail 4 - Middle Gap H45
3) Hong Kong Trail 4 - Stubbs Road - Happy Valley

Posted: Nov 10, 2012 | Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 3

Stage 3: Peel Rise to Wan Chai Gap (6.5km)

Distance Posts: H26 - H37

Stage 3 is a lovely country walk in with glimpses of beautiful close up scenery through woods. It's a shaded trail due to the forest canopy, great for a summer hike. There aren't many photo worthy views on account of it being wooded trails - and in fact the only photo I took is the end point of stage 3, or the beginning of stage 4 depending on how you look at it.

Posted: Nov 3, 2012 | Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 2

Stage 2: Pokfulam Reservoir to Peel Rise (4.5km)

Distance Posts: H15 - H25

This is a slightly more energetic trail because it is the forested section, with many steps taking you up eventually to the heights overlooking Aberdeen and the Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery on the south side of Hong Kong island. It's also not as crowded as stage 1 because most of the people there are just after an enjoyable walk with scenic views. As with stage 1, there is plenty of fauna to help you feel at one with nature.

At the end of the section you have a choice of continuing the trail onto stage 3 and pushing on to the Wanchai Gap, or turning onto Peel Rise which takes you through the cemetery and eventually to Aberdeen. From here there are no shortage of eateries and easy transport links.

1) Hong Kong Trail 2 - Aberdeen

Posted: Nov 3, 2012 | Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Hong Kong Trail 1

Stage 1: The Peak to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir (7km)

Distance Posts: H1 - H14

Stage 1 is an easy walk rather than a hike. Many people will do this stage as a pleasant walk one afternoon without any intention of doing the whole trail. It's easy to get to, Bus 15 from Exchange Square in Central, or the pricey Peak Tram which is no fun really as you will probably have to wait in a long queue and may not even get a seat on the short but steep journey. Sitting on the upper deck is an enjoyable experience anyway.

As with all hikes in Hong Kong, if you are after amazing views then hope that the weather is clear, and that the pollution is low. Many photos from my hikes are spoiled by a milky haze.

This hike will actually give you an insight into old Hong Kong. The first part of the hike is on Lugard Road, constructed in 1921 and named after Sir Frederick Lugard, the 14th Governor of Hong Kong from 1907 to 1912. More like a path than a road, it is paved and is an easy walk. In fact that's what the original purpose was for, in the words of the Public Works Department in June 1913, "...the road will be principally used a promenade, a wonderful panoramic view of the City, Harbour..."

How true they were.

The route will take you to a picnic site and a junction with Harlech Road. If you miss it (hard to) then you will soon find yourself back at the peak. The Harlech Road part of the trail starts just before H6 and descends close to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir before ascending again to H14 and the end of stage 1.

1) Hong Kong Trail 1 - Peak View
2) Hong Kong Trail 1 - India Rubber Tree
3) Hong Kong Trail 1 - H7 High West
4) Hong Kong Trail 1 - Observation Point at HIgh West

Travel Hong Kong




Bowen Road to Central

Bowen Road to Central

Bowen Road to Central

Central Police Station & Gaol

Central Police Station & Gaol

Central Police Station & Gaol

Correctional Services Museum

Correctional Services Museum

Correctional Services Museum

Devil's Peak

Devil's Peak

Devil's Peak

Hikes - Discovery Bay to Mui Wo

Hikes - Discovery Bay to Mui Wo

Hikes - Discovery Bay to Mui Wo

Hikes - Hong Kong Trail

Hikes - Hong Kong Trail

Hikes - Hong Kong Trail

Hikes - Lantau Trail

Hikes - Lantau Trail

Hikes - Lantau Trail

Hikes - Maclehose Trail

Hikes - Maclehose Trail

Hikes - Maclehose Trail

Hikes - Wilson Trail

Hikes - Wilson Trail

Hikes - Wilson Trail

Iconic Hong Kong

Iconic Hong Kong

Iconic Hong Kong

Lamma Island

Lamma Island

Lamma Island

Lyemun Fort

Lyemun Fort

Lyemun Fort

Mount Davis Battery

Mount Davis Battery

Mount Davis Battery

Ngong Ping

Ngong Ping

Ngong Ping

Pinewood Battery

Pinewood Battery

Pinewood Battery

Police Museum

Police Museum

Police Museum

Sai Wan Battery

Sai Wan Battery

Sai Wan Battery

Sai Wan Military Cemetery

Sai Wan Military Cemetery

Sai Wan Military Cemetery

Sheung Wan

Sheung Wan

Sheung Wan

Shing Mun Redoubt

Shing Mun Redoubt

Shing Mun Redoubt




Tai O

Tai O

Tai O

Wong Nai Chung Gap

Wong Nai Chung Gap

Wong Nai Chung Gap


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