Many a reluctant stag has been dragged to destinations unwanted by an enthusiastic best man intent on pursuing his own interests. And so it was again, this time with me being led by the antlers to what is sometimes considered the Mecca of stag destinations.
As we all get older and geographically separated, gatherings like this are amazing trips down memory lane. We we all went to university together, but the fun and banter was just as fresh as when we were carefree 18 year olds tearing up the campus.
As with holidays I've been on with some of the party, the focus was very much on the evening entertainment. That's not to say we didn't see this charming city; in fact most of the day was spent walking around this cultural and architectural smorgasbord, encountering places of interest without actively seeking like them. The castle on the hill was one exception.
After you've experienced my delights or horrors of Czech Republic, see what the destinations below may have in store for you.
Belgium | Bulgaria | Czech Republic | Denmark | France | Germany | Greece | Holy See | Iceland | Italy | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | San Marino | Serbia | Spain | Sweden | United Kingdom |